Vorig jaar ging meneer Reijn naar Ontrouw; een fuifke in Trouw met een toegangsprijs van maar liefst € 35,–
Toch ging ie, en…
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In de wandelgangen gaat dan ook het gerucht dat niemand minder dan Berghain-residents Klock & Dettmann achter de Decks staan!
Absolutely compulsory to dress up and transfer your identity. Step out of your comfort zone.

Think: Second Skin – Warped – Faceless – Imperfection – Repetitive – Cloned – Transformation – Mismatched
Colors: Black – Skin – Transparent – Green
Bring an open mind, who knows what you’ll find
Line-up will be announced one week in advance
Entrance €35 // Pre sale €30 // Trouwe Honden €25
Pre sale starts Saturday 19th februari
Koop hier uw kaartje

If you want to pass your ICND1, ICND2 or CCNA exam on the first try, it is essential you have a sound, effective study plan that is proven and other Cisco CCNA students have followed to successfully pass their 200-120, 101-101, or 200-101 tests.
In its place of obligating the error of evading the repetition exams, the applicants must practice carefully via practice tests. For example, statistics display; several a scholar who fails the CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125 Cisco Certified Network Associate, they have no need to fail in the exam after getting prepared with the annoying approaches.
So if you are already familiar with Cisco routers and TCP/IP, this may be a better solution for you. Finally, we recommend the Bryant Advantage Ultimate CCNA Study Package.
For example, the pdf questions, debate each topic at a distance, the applicants study them dull and annoying. Similarly, the applicants provide favorite to exercise test. A practice test is communicating and stimulating as associated to pdf material.
300-115 switch
Bryant Advantage. The Bryant Advantage probably has the most comprehensive study package that is well written using lots of analogies so it can be understood easily by new CCNA students as well as seasoned Cisco professionals. It is on par with the Cisco Press as far as price and another nice benefit is he also has a lab workbook too. We also sell the Bryant Advantage CCNA Lab Hardware Topology to compliment his lab workbook so you can follow through all the labs step by step.
200-125 vce
We are providing the helping material in two ways which are • PDF • Practice Test Software PDF Exam – the first technique expected of applicants to prepare for CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125 Cisco Certified Network Associate, are hand notes that consist of full, comprehensive information about every CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125 Cisco Certified Network Associate area.

4 Reacties
  1. Auteur
    Berand 14 jaar geleden

    Sowieso erbij… Morph ligt klaar 🙂

  2. Auteur
    Berand 14 jaar geleden


  3. Seth Gaaikema 14 jaar geleden

    Meneer Reijn, een krent met krenten…

  4. Barand 14 jaar geleden

    gezellig dat je erbij bent seth

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